Home Volunteers Pre-Service Training Pre-Service Training End of Chapter Evaluation 12/10/2020Pre-Service Training End of Chapter Evaluation Training Class*Jan/Feb 2025Oct/Nov 2024Training Session* Session 2 Session 4 Session 6 Session 8 Indicate your level of agreement with the following statementsThe trainer was knowledgeable about the topics* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The trainer was prepared* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The trainer actively engaged participants* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree How confident are you in performing your CASA/GAL role in real world situations? Answer on a scale of 0-100, with 0 being not at all confident and 100 being absolutely certain you can doGather information from your assigned child(ren)*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Gather information from biological parents*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Gather information from caseworker*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Gather information from other parties*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Facilitate the relationship between all parties to the case*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Write court reports with fact-based recommendations*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Meet with your assigned child(ren) at least once a month*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Identify resources and services needed for the well-being of your assigned child(ren)*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Answer questions from the Judge or other parties to the case when appropriate*Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Fill in the blankBased on what you have learned in this chapter, what do you think will present the biggest challenge to successfully fulfilling your role as a CASA/GAL advocate?*Please provide any other information about your motivation level and/or confidence level in being a CASA/GAL*Please provide any other information that you believe would be useful for the trainer* Share This Post: