Kristin Limke
Rookie of the Year
It’s hard to be the new kid on the block….the first few weeks and months as a CASA are exciting, educational, and at times overwhelming! But this rookie took it all in stride and went above and beyond! Congratulations to Kristin Limke, our Rookie of the Year! Kristin jumped headfirst into a challenging case with 5 children. She attends almost every parent/child visits the children have with their parents. She has also worked tirelessly to help the kinship placement find therapists, get set up with a pediatrician and locate a dentist. She has also reached out to many members of the kids’ family to help the kinship placement build a support system. She is persistent in her advocacy and does not give up on contacting schools, providers, family members and others. until she has the information she is looking for. She remembers every birthday and picks out a special gift for them. Kristin uses her giving heart and passion for making the world a better place to advocate for the children she serves.