Connecting in the Classroom
In an effort to ensure proper educational assessments and academic support for the children CASA serves, an education committee exists to partner with the school districts to connect in the classroom. The education committee assists in connecting our advocates to district foster care liaisons, school counselors, and teachers and collaborate for the best interest of the child and their academic needs.
Educational “rights” of a CASA volunteer:
- A CASA may visit the child at school and contact the teacher(s) for progress information and a copy of the report card each reporting period.
- A CASA may attend an Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) meeting, as needed, to advocate and support the child’s academic needs.
- A CASA may also assist the teacher if she or he needs assistance being in touch with the caregiver and to provide educational support to the caregiver and assist with an open line of communication with school staff.
Education Resources
STRIVE Student Incentive Program Form
Education Assistance Referral Request
Educational Advocacy Pocket Guide
Find your Foster Care Liaison | Ask TED
Educational Advocacy Guidebook (2018 Update)
CASA Connecting in the Classroom- Brochure
Texas Higher Education Foster Care Liaisons | Texas Foster Care Liaisons
DFPS Education Specialists by Region
Texas Foster Care College Tuition Waiver
Intellectual Development Disorder Basics
Clothing help through the Assistance League of the Bay Area
Education for Children DFPS Resource Guide 2018
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Services
Can my child go to school today? Flow Chart
Parents’ Guide to the ARD Process
Foster Care and Student Success
Transition Planning Guide for Students in Foster Care Receiving Special Education Service
Best Welding Schools- Elite Welding Acadamy
Education Committee Members:
Mary Patrick, Committee President. Executive Director of Special Programs/ECH & Homeless and Foster Care Liaison for Galveston Independent School District (GISD)
Vera Lewis -Jasper, Committee Member. Dean of Technical & Professional Education at Galveston College
Winifred Weber, Committee Member. Attorney
Dr. Britani Moses, Committee Member. Clear Creek Independent School District (CCISD) Human Resources Department