Advocate Spotlight: Hannah

My name is Hannah Gronseth and I’m a piano teacher and teach in my home studio. I’ve been playing piano for over 30 years now and my love for music has only grown. Aside from teaching piano, I currently sing with the Houston Symphony Chorus and serve on the worship band at my church. I have an amazing husband of 9 years and the sweetest German Shepherd you’ll ever meet.
I have wanted to foster or adopt a child since I was 9 years old but life doesn’t always work out how you plan. I learned about CASA from someone who visited our church with information about the organization and I instantly believed in the vision of CASA. I’m so grateful for the chance to reach out to foster children and I seek to be a steady presence in their life during their darkest hours.
My favorite moment as a CASA has been teaching one of my foster children to read and watching their delight and smiles as they realize they’ve just read their first word, then sentence, then paragraph. It is an indescribable feeling to make a tangible difference in a child’s life.
While there are many ways I fall short as a CASA, I would tell anyone who weeps at every injustice, as I do, that being a CASA is a way to turn the sorrow into action. You can influence real change in the precious lives of these children and be a catalyst to turn their darkness just a shade or two brighter each day.
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